> Also, to ease finding factors, using a number which is a multiple of 8 is
> a good idea. However, how much work has been done on checking other mods
> other than 120? Like 80, or even 720 to see what happens? just
> wondering...

As often happens (to me at least), as soon as I tell someone something, I
suddenly realise it is wrong!

I know that the number you do modulus to has to be a multiple of 8, to use
that number must be +/- 1 mod 8, After that you want to put as many prime
factor in number as possible, say 8*3,8*5, or as we use, 8*3*5

So, any other numbers you used would want to be in this form. As far as i
can see, the only number worth investigating looks like 840, which instead
of having 7*16 passes,  will have about 8 less. Not realy worth it i

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