At 12:55 PM 6/19/99 -0400, Jeff Woods wrote:
>[...] the "pseudo-conjecture" [...]
>Starting at about M13, you see that there are indeed islands: [...]
>Graph that you, and you get a VERY close linear fit.  I haven't done it 
>mathematically, [...]
>Given this fit, [...]

Sounds like fitting the data to a curve.

Suppose we define an "Island", then work from Peter Montgomery's post
and generate random data sets, then look for islands?

But first, *define* an island....I've never seen a definition.

Any takers?

As long as we're fitting data to a curve, how about substituting
pi/2 for 3/2?  Perhaps something from ?
(my sentimental favorite is phi)

--Luke, the Professor and Mary Ann

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