I have thought very much over your columns and perceived the following:

If I replace into the first column the log of (arctan (Mersenne prime
exponents)^their index) instead of your first column,(i.e log of (3/2)^n) and
the second column remains the  same, then you receive a correlation coeficient
= 0.9969136, because the limes of arctan (any great number) is PI/2. What is
your opinion? Is it false?
                                                            Budapest, Hungary

Jud McCranie wrote:

> If you take the following comma delimited file into a spreadsheet, and
> graph it (say with a line chart) it shows the relationship of Mersenne
> exponents to their index, for the first 37 Mersenne primes.  The first
> column is the log of (3/2)^n, the second column is the log of the exponent
> of the nth Mersenne prime.

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