NOW it does, after the official announcement....   Remember when Roland 
found M37?   Someone found a 0x000000000000000 residue in the report and 
beat George to the punch, so Scott modified the reports so that they would 
NOT post a zero residue automatically.   So THIS time, when word came that 
we'd found a potential prime, some enterprising person immediately grabbed 
the "assigned exponents" file, and the "cleared exponents" file, and by the 
process of elimination, deduced the prime number because it was the ONLY 
candidate listed as "assigned" but was not EITHER cleared as non-prime or 
still in progress.

George was telling Scott to correct for this 'leak' so that a really 
determined person could not do a comparison-elimination to deduce a prime 
number find before George announces it.

Of course, Curt Noll's web page made that a pointless exercise... ;-)

At 09:50 PM 7/5/99 -0700, you wrote:
> >(Note to Scott - create a dummy non-zero residue a stick it
> >in the cleared exponents report).
>Too late!!  The Cleared Exponents Report reads:
>6972593  62  P 0x0000000000000000  01-Jun-99 13:57  nayan  precision-mm
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