On Wed, Aug 04, 1999 at 09:50:42PM -0600, Aaron Blosser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It's been noted that GCC isn't the best at compiling under Solaris, for this
> type of code anyway.  Someone else (my brother?) will probably have more
> info on this.

I admin several Sparc machines with Solaris which are currently running
SETI@Home which I'd like to switch over to searching for primes.  I was
originally holding out until there was a PrimeNet client for Sparc, but
what the hell - I log into the machines all the time anyways.

However, I don't have a Sun compiler - does anyone have precompiled,
best-optimized MacLucasUNIX binaries for Sparc processors?  I have a
Sparc 5, a couple of Sparc 10/20s, and four CPUs on an E450 which sit
idle much of the time.



Bryan Fullerton                http://www.samurai.com/
Core Competency
Samurai Consulting
"No, we don't do seppuku."     Can you feel the Ohmu call?
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