
Recently I read in a Polish computer magazine about your search and I 
decided to join. ("Gazeta Komputer", Tuesday supplement to "Gazeta 
Wyborcza" dated August 3rd - info for fellow Poles.)

I installed prime95.exe and have some basic questions (excuse my 
igorance and my English, please):

1. My computer is based on Intel's 333 MHz Celeron, with 64 MB DIMM 
RAM, working on EPoX P2-112A motherboard (VIA ApolloPro chipset). 
PrimeNet sent to me (as I understand it) M8180017, which is now (as I 
understand it) being tested by my comp using Lucas-Lehmer test. The 
status windows shows that my work should be completed around 
September 26th. Am I right in assuming that then it will be known 
whether M8180017 is a prime or not? And, if it isn't a prime, it 
won't be know until then, right?

2. As I understand the status page, there are smaller untested would-
be primes (about 20.000 below M7820000). Is there any way that I can 
test some of them (they would be tested a lot faster than M8180017, 
right?), or are they reserved for people with slower computers?

3. My single iteration's time is 0.430 s. Is this about right for my 
machine and M8180xxx number?

4. As I understand (from reading list's archives, around summer '96), 
earlier people were assigned ranges of numbers to check, and it took 
about 6 months to check primes inside a range (range == a thousand of 
numbers, containing some primes?). Now, as the project reached such 
big numbers as M8180xxx, the assigment is rather one number per 
connection, right? Does the "Test=8180017,63" in my worktodo.ini file 
mean that I got M8180017 and nothing more (if projected end date is 
accurate, it's enough ;)? What does the number 63 mean?

Thanks in advance,
-- Shot
 c"? Shot - [EMAIL PROTECTED]  hobbies: Star Wars, Pterry, GIMPS, ASCII
 `-' [EMAIL PROTECTED]  join the GIMPS @ http://www.mersenne.org
 In a car rental brochure in Tokyo: When passenger of foot heave
 in sight, tootle the horn. Trumpet him melodiously at first, but
 if he still obstacles your passage then tootle him with vigor.
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