From:                   "Shot" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To:                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date sent:              Sun, 8 Aug 1999 02:01:50 +0200
Subject:                Mersenne: Some basic questions


> status windows shows that my work should be 
completed around 
> September 26th. Am I right in assuming that 
then it will be known 
> whether M8180017 is a prime or not? And, if it 
isn't a prime, it 
> won't be know until then, right?

        Yes to both. Prime95 writes results to 
screen and to file RESULTS.TXT, wich is located 
in the same directory.
> 2. As I understand the status page, there are 
smaller untested would-
> be primes (about 20.000 below M7820000). Is 
there any way that I can 
> test some of them (they would be tested a lot 
faster than M8180017, 
> right?), or are they reserved for people with 
slower computers?

        This exponents are being tested by other 
members, but not necessarily with slower 
machines. Simply they got them first.

> 3. My single iteration's time is 0.430 s. Is 
this about right for my 
> machine and M8180xxx number?

        It seems to be a right number. If you 
like, see
Don't worry if you encounter a few % difference 
with similar machines.
> 4. As I understand (from reading list's 
archives, around summer '96), 
> earlier people were assigned ranges of numbers 
to check, and it took 
> about 6 months to check primes inside a range 
(range == a thousand of 
> numbers, containing some primes?). Now, as the 
project reached such 
> big numbers as M8180xxx, the assigment is 
rather one number per 
> connection, right? Does the "Test=8180017,63" 
in my worktodo.ini file 
> mean that I got M8180017 and nothing more (if 
projected end date is 
> accurate, it's enough ;)? What does the number 
63 mean?

        In the not so early days of GIMPS, George 
Woltman assigned work by e-mail. For commodity, 
this assignments consisted of ranges, like you 
deduced. Now, with the automation, is possible 
to assign one exponent per machine. Anyway, in 
Prime95 menu's Test -> Primenet it is a 
parameter called 'Days of work to get'. Prime95 
will reserve work for at less this number of 
days, so when you end with the current exponent, 
Prime95 begins with other whitout wait for a 
connection with Primenet. By default, this 
parameter is set to 30 days. You should not 
change this, unless you connect with the 
internet with less frecuency.

        A Mersenne candidate it is trial factored 
prior to a LLTest. Obviously, if a factor is 
found the number is not prime and you save 
the LLTest. The number 63 means that this 
mersenne number has been trial factored up to 
2^63. When Prime95 gets an assignment, 
calculates if is worthwhile to factorise even 
further prior to do a LLTest.

        I encourage you to read the GIMPS and mail 
list faq's to learn more.

                Oscar Fuentes

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