> This confuses me... slashdot carried this story in the last 48 hours (at
> least I think it was them; I can't find the link now), but I thought it
> was very clear that CompaQ was dropping only the 32-Bit Windows dvelopment
> from Alpha, and KEEPING 64-Bit.  The CNN story definitely leads you to
> believe that ALL NT support is being dropped.

That was the spin of the various stories a few days ago.  And yes, news.com
has a similar story today saying its apparently ALL nt/alpha development.

> As much as I applaud forcing Microsoft to evolve by threatening them with
> rival operating systems, I can't imagine Compaq could completely drop NT
> support from the Alpha and not lost major revenue.  Anyone closer to this
> know the story?

It appears Compaq is bleeding red ink, and Alpha/NT is not very profitable
for them short term.  Further, in effect, by putting Alpha 64 bit
development resources, they are really helping out Intel's IA-64 Merced by
insuring there will be a 64 bit NT/Win2000 ready when Merced actually rolls


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