At 08:51 PM 9/19/99 -0400, you wrote:

>prime, unless we find a factor.  Interestingly enough, when we find the next
>Mersenne prime, searching for a factor of M(M(p)) might allow us to find an
>even bigger prime.  If for example, 6*M(p)+1 divides M(M(p)), then it must
>be prime!

Which one must be prime?   6*M(p)+1, or M(M(p))?

And why?   Enquiring minds, and all....   Thanks!

>Wait, that might just be the reason to search!  Will only searched up to
>k=4 for M(M(6972593)), but if 2*k*M(p)+1 divides M(M(p)), then you've just
>beaten the world record!  Non-Mersenne's might once again grace the top
>10 list!

An interesting concept -- what sort of time factor would it take to prove 
such a thing with an average computer?   
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