> when I found out than Curt Noll had started an attack on M(M(127)) with
> superior hardware. I imagine that by now he has carried the search much
> further.

This is further evidence for why GIMPS is such a good idea! (as if we 
needed more)

If Curt Noll and you have been working together, your computer time would
not have been wasted, nor would (presumably) much of his.  This is the
beauty of distributed computing projects, but this illistrates how *key*
centrilization is.  

Now, I think that it might be a nifty (tm) idea if GIMPS/primenet
were to start looking for factors of double Mersenne numbers.  If I
understand correctly, much of the code is already written (changes to
the P-1 code, and the normal factoring code), and I'm sure that such things
could interest mathematicians more than finding the next Mersenne prime.

With the (possibly buggy) announcement of prize money from J. L. Selfridge,
I'm sure that interest should increase very quickly...

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