On Thu, Sep 23, 1999 at 01:53:33PM +0200, Alexander Kruppa wrote:
> Robert van der Peijl wrote:
> > He further writes:
> >  There are some Linux folks that like the present program because it
> >  doesn't use X-windows.  
> I certainly do! A program like mprime that is supposed to run in
> background at all times should not depend on a X server running. 

Quite.  For a start, some of the servers on which I have mprime running
don't have an X server.  I'm not always logged into them, and X on my
desktop machine has been known to be less than fully stable (curse netscape
for taking down first X and then the entire machine the other day).
Meanwhile mprime can remain running for months without requiring a restart.

> Maybe the setup could be handled similar to the NT service version, with
> the actual client running without screen I/O in background, and a GUI
> program to handle .ini file setting, Status reports, etc. 

Personally I don't see a need, but I can see that some people might (I saw
some 95 boxes the other day running the SETI screensaver, and it does look
quite slick).  The mprime console program is fine, except that there are
now too many options for them to be displayed on a standard 80x24 window
or console - perhaps things could be rearranged slightly?

Incidentally, can anyone explain why under v19.0.2 I'm getting "ERROR 2250:
Server unavailable" messages?  Since 18.1.2 as running on another machine
has no problems, it's evidently not a case of the server being down.  The
FAQ mentions a problem on v18 for those using RPC, but I was under the
impression I've always been using http...
-------------------- Robin Stevens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -------------------- 
Merton College, Oxford OX1 4JD, UK   http://www-astro.physics.ox.ac.uk/~rejs/ 
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