> From what I understand of gcc (the GNU C compiler),
> the only thing that using "register" affects is what
> variables are retained by setjmp()/longjmp()

There are some ANSI C-compliant restrictions on what you can and cannot do with a 
'register' variable. For instance, you can't apply it to something that won't fit in 
the machine word length (like an array), and you cant take the address-of it with &.

> in registers, I think gcc ignores the "register"
> keyword when making those decisions.

>From the horses' mouth ( in the 1997 ISO public review effort for C++)

3 A register specifier has the same semantics as an auto specifier together with a 
hint to the implementation that the object so declared will be heavily used. [Note: 
the hint can be ignored and in most implementations it will be ignored if the address 
of the object is taken.   --end note]

It's great that we have to deal with double talk like that these days :) After all, 
these days something as supposedly horrendous as


doesn't actually cost a lot. In fact, placing demands on register inclusion can really 
mess up the pipeline.

Chris Nash
Lexington KY

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