On Tue, Nov 09, 1999 at 12:08:30AM -0500, jim barchuk wrote:
>I haven't been reading this list lately. I did receive email on Oct 10
>that V19 was avail, and it is 'faster,' so natually I picked it up. It
>dropped in and appeared to work fine. BTW I use the static version because
>dynamic programs rarely like RH 4.2.

The problem seems to be that mprime is compiled to glibc 2.1, while RH 4.2
uses... libc5? glibc 2.0? glibc 2.1 (even in static version) needs some
special files to operate. This has been discussed on the list before, and
perhaps it's time to fix it :-)

I could perhaps download and compile glibc 2.1, and compile it with static NSS.
Then I could compile mprime (perhaps I'll need George's security.c and
security.h, but that's another matter entirely -- we'll take that when it
comes) with a version that would work for non-2.1 users. Any protests?

>Any clues?

For now, you could revert to v18, use v18 only to report your results, report
them via the manual forms, or just wait for us to do something about it :-)

/* Steinar */
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