Hello All!

Yes, I see the comments about this in the archives, but there's no fix

Been running mprime like the Energiser Bunny 16.3, 17.1, 18, and now
19.0.2. Using RedHat 4.2 with lots of upgrades, kernel 2.0.33.

I haven't been reading this list lately. I did receive email on Oct 10
that V19 was avail, and it is 'faster,' so natually I picked it up. It
dropped in and appeared to work fine. BTW I use the static version because
dynamic programs rarely like RH 4.2.

I look at mprime.log very infrequently. I do look at top usually a few
times a day, and mprime is always at the top of the list. Today I glance
and it's nowhere to be seen. ps -a says it's running, but using
essentially no resources.

So I look at the log and find 287 entries of ERROR 2250: Server
unavailable dating back to the -day- I started V19 running. It's been
-runnning- since then, but -no- obvious notice of this problem.

Yes, I tried the dynamic version, it fails with error in loading shared
libraries : undefined symbol: __libc_start_main.

Any clues?

BTW I -strongly- suggest that when something like this happens that
another 'whoopsie, potential serious error' message be broadcast to all
participants, not just mention of it in the list. As it stands my best (in
fact only AFAIK) option is to fall back to V18 and lose a month's worth of
CPU time.

Thanks much. Have a :) day!


jim barchuk

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