>From: "Aaron Blosser" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: "Mersenne@Base. Com" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: RE: Mersenne: searching the biggies 2
>Date: Thu, 2 Mar 2000 21:33:23 -0700
> >On the other hand, the existence of the EFF prize is a useful
> >tool in convincing companies to run GIMPS, for most IT
> >managers are quick to remind you that this *is* a business,
> >and it is here to make money.  (Then you hope that same
> >IT manager hasnt the sophistication to calculate the actual
> >odds of bagging the $100K, realizing that the mathematical
> >expectation of the prize would not pay the extra electricity
> >use...)
>Actually, the cost of electricity isn't a factor for most large companies.
>I can only rely on my knowledge of the various places I've worked.  We all
>know I worked at US WEST, and I can say that they leave their computers on
>all the time.
>The other big telco I just spent the last 1.5 years at also leaves their
>computers on 24x7, as does the company I work for now.
>The reasons for doing so are pretty simple:  software deployment.
>When you want to push out a new version of Software Application version
>x.xx, you do it at night when the employees won't be affected by a reboot.
>So you tell people to leave their machines on, but just logout.
>Obviously, Wake-On-Lan is a great idea, but with legacy hardware, you 
>leave computers on all the time or you can't be as friendly with your
>software deployment.
>That's why I hope that some brilliant person will be able to go to US WEST
>and say "Hey, let's setup a Primenet Proxy, get these 30,000+ NT machines
>looking for primes, and do some good research".  That person won't be me, 
>the way.  Or maybe someone can go to a company like MCI WorldCom and say
>"Hey, let's get your 80,000+ NT machines looking for primes."  Of course, I
>wasn't about to make that suggestion myself...what can I say?  I'm a little
>skittish about such things. :-)

Last time I checked, there were two universtites (labeled as such that is) 
at the top of the list but no companies really near the top.

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