>A question to all you linux users with modems:  I assume that the
>/proc/net/route file exists when you are not connected.  Let me know
>if this is not the case (I'll need to change the default setting of 
>RouteRequired above).

I have a modem and an Ethernet card on one box. The file exists whether I'm on
or off line, but the "ppp0" lines are there only when I'm on line.

To tell when you're on line, look for a gateway in the "Flags" column, which
says 4003 for the gateway and 1 for an Ethernet connection. (I don't know which
bit means gateway.) This will work only if the dialup machine is the one
running mprime. If mprime is behind an IPmasq box, you have to ask the IPmasq
box if it's online.

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