I've got four computers that have passed the 3 year mark and they run 24/7
(at 100% cpu)

By the way - none of the computers I've retired over the years ,that have
been running like this, have failed due to cpu or memory issues.

Louis Towles
Photobooks Inc
Suite A012
280 Elizabeth St
Atlanta Ga 30307
----- Original Message -----
From: "Tony Gott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, April 18, 2000 3:24 AM
Subject: Mersenne: Just curious

> I'm just curious really, but how durable are Intel
> processors to continuous number crunching, in other words
> has anyone been able to keep the same processor running for
> 2, 3 or even more years, on a 24/7 basis. I do realise that
> Windows itself needs to be rebooted from time to time, but
> what about other O/S? Anyone care to throw a few stats in?
> Tony Gott
> Shetland
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