All this talk about PC's running 24/7 has convinced me of the
reliability of processors.  It's been my thoughts that if your computer
is on, it's always running at full speed, whether or not you're running
I've always left my computers on all the time, and never had a problem. 
This reliability got me thinking about any other appliances that have
the same level of reliability.

For example, I remember reading an article about light bulbs which said
that if you leave a light bulb on continuously, it will last much longer
due to the fact that the the filament doesn't contract when it gets

I suppose my question is whether or not it's more of a risk to your
processor in allowing it to cool off regularly than leaving it on 24/7?  

Ryan McGarry

John R Pierce wrote:
> > When pentium pro 200's were the hot new processor
> > (in speed, more so than in wattage),
> > I began running some dual-ppro-200 systems with two prime95 instances
> each.
> > Those processors are still running it.
> > I've never had to replace a cpu or motherboard
> > (though occasionally a motherboard power connector
> > had to be replaced because it burned up).
> > I'm not sure but I think that's three years.
> ...
> Until last August, my *original* Prime95 participant, a Pentium-100 running
> first Win95, later Win98, faithfully chugged along 24/7.   I started this
> CPU back when the very first Mersenne article came out in the San Jose
> Mecury News.  This was long before GIMPS had found a prime.    Since this
> win95 box's only other duty was print-server for a old inkjet, and the very
> occasional fax, it went a month or more between reboots regularly.  Said
> machine is still alive and well, only now its a 133MHz 64MB ram linux based
> internet server for my DSL connection. :)   The P100
> was new when the first 133Mhz pentiums were becoming available and the 90s
> and 100s got a lot cheaper.  Off the top of my head, I think it might be 5+
> years old.  And, yes, I have a dual PPro-200 which has been running prime95
> 24/7 since it was built 3 years ago.
> -jrp
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