On Wed, 19 Apr 2000, Aaron Blosser wrote:
> For power supplies, having a decent UPS or even just a good line conditioner
> is a MUST when you want to prolong it's life.  Anyone who cared to could
> hook an scope to a power line (make sure the scope is protected from
> overvoltage! :) and if it's a nice digital scope, you can see the surges and
> sags that happen *all the time*.
> Of course, not many folks have digital scopes...  But a decent UPS does it's
> own logging...the APC Smart-UPS for instance.  It'll keep track of the peaks
> and valleys through the day and it really is amazing what your poor little
> power supply has to deal with all the time.  Sags can be just as damaging to
> your supply as a spike, by the way.
I keep hearing this stuff about power problems, and while I can understand
the need for an UPS, the need for a line conditioner evades me, possibly
because I live in Denmark which judging from the stories have much cleaner

Though this is getting way off topic, does anyone know where it's possible
to get comparable data on the quality of the mains power in different
If possible, collected neither by the power suppliers nor by UPS
manufacturers. :) 

Henrik Olsen,  Dawn Solutions I/S       URL=http://www.iaeste.dk/~henrik/
     Example is better than following it.
                                  The Devil's Dictionary, Ambrose Bierce.

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