On 25 May 00, at 23:39, Ken Kriesel wrote:

> I saw something similar once, out of hundreds of ECM curves 
> that I've run.
> It happened on the curve being run while I adjusted memory limits
> on the program (Version 20.4.1, April 25 file date), if I recall correctly.

There was a problem with some versions which resulted in this error 
message appearing constantly. I think the problem was related to a 
factor which was already known being found again - this happens 
constantly but should be resolved by reference to the low?.txt file.

> >[Thu May 25 15:00:24 2000]
> >ECM found a factor in curve #263, stage #2
> >Sigma=1155032128984, B1=250000, B2=25000000.
> >ERROR: Factor doesn't divide N!

Suggest you ensure that you're running v20.4 & that your lowm.txt 
file is up-to-date & not corrupt. Sometimes you can get extra 
carriage returns in the file as a consequence of the way in which 
it's downloaded. Otherwise it's one for George.

BTW from George's ECM status pages it seems that either factors have 
become _very_ hard to find recently. Anyone have any views on this?

Brian Beesley
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