
Maybe a smaller fft size can be used, anyone noticed
that (((n^2 - 2) mod m )^2 - 2) mod m is the same as
((((n^2 - 2) mod m) - m )^2 - 2) mod m. This means
that it is possible to take the smallest number of
((n^2 - 2) mod m) and |((n^2 -2 ) mod m) - m| in 
lucas lemer testing, which will lead to smaller numbers 
to square.

Furthermore, one could save the value of for instance the 10 000th
iteration, and check if a later iteration gets the same value, 
if it does, one knows that the value will never get to 0 anymore.
If the value 2 keeps repeating one knows that one iteration had as
result a 0, the value will always remain 2 after that. (unless 0 < m <

Kind Regards, Martijn

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