On 26 Nov 00, at 15:06, Stephan T. Lavavej wrote:

> Saving space is always a good idea.  This compression is actually
> better than ZIP compression, so when the distribution zipfile includes the
> smaller executable, it too becomes smaller: from 405953 bytes to 299756
> bytes.  This makes the download go quicker for everyone, which especially
> matters to modem users, but is nice even for people with fast connections.
> Awesome.

True, but...

a) I prefer to download files in a form which can be unpacked by 
"standard" software - which includes zip - rather than relying on 
inbuilt executable code. This is more secure, and makes the download 
process less platform dependent.

b) I download several megabytes across a modem line every week. The 
suggestion would save about 20 seconds each time I download Prime95. 
Say once every six months.

I think the benefits of staying with the current method exceed the 
benefits of switching to a slightly more effective compression 

Brian Beesley
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