Jeramy Ross wrote:
> This 'Wonderful' compression technology maybe "Awesome"; however, MY main
> objection ....or perhaps philosophy towards all of this is that Prime95 is
> not a large
> piece of code.  It takes a relatively small amount of time to download over
> a modem
> compared to other software items that we modem users may download in a weeks
> period.
> Maybe if Prime95 was ..say .. a 20MB download.  Then perhaps shaking things
> up to save
> some download time would be a good idea, but as things stand now we are only
> talking about saving 20 or so seconds.  Perhaps that is the reason people
> may find it 'objectionable'..
> Maybe its just not worth the hassle at the moment for this particular
> application....

I'd tend to agree, as someone who uses a modem at home.  If we were
talking about something like the Sun JDK, sure, better compression might
be in order.  But in the case of a 1-meg program, it isn't.  

At school, of course, I have no real concerns - I've downloaded a CD
image in twenty minutes!  


P.S. The website for the compression program never resolved for me; I'd
like to take a look at it, if someone would send me the IP.
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