John R Pierce wrote:

> > One of the nicer things about the windoze implementation of mprime is
> > the facility to manually stop & restart the program from the main
> > menu. It gives up its main workspace whilst suspended in this way,
> > though obviously retaining the relatively small resources belonging
> > to its process header block, console window, task bar icon etc.
> > Perhaps this could be exported to mprime by provision of a version to
> > run as an X client? So long as I don't _have_ to run X in order to
> > run mprime!!!
> a few USR signals would suffice.  `killall -USR2 mprime` or something...
> -jrp

It is even easier, no coding needed to mprime (for Linux at least)!

killall -STOP mprime
killall -CONT mprime

parse /proc/stat,
watch the swap numbers go up, and if is too drastically kill mprime with the
-STOP signal,
after some seconds, watch the numbers again, and if those numbers do not go
up to dramatically
kill mprime with the -CONT signal. (Write a tcl/tk frondend and do the same,
write a server script and do the same, ad infinitum)

Can something similar be done on the windows service?

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