On 28 Nov 00, at 10:26, Martijn wrote:

> I do not have a problem with prime95 / mprime taking any amount of memory,
> as long as thrashing is adequately dealt with. I am currently trying to
> get assignments as small as possible for memory reasons, with (from
> prime95 point of view) enough memory present 95% of the day, the other 5%
> being at "random" times. It does not harm if prime95 takes 100 MB but it
> would be nice if prime95 / mprime sleeps some time if a higher priority
> job needs the memory. For instance if prime memory gets swapped out its
> process could sleep for 5-10 seconds.

Nice idea - is this facility in any OS kernel? I'm pretty sure it 
isn't in windoze ... the point is that the application is unaware 
that it is running up page faults; the kernel doesn't bother to 
inform it. There could be a significant performance penalty involved 
in continuously reading the kernel memory usage table in order to 
determine whether memory stress is evident, as well as complications 
due to memory usage being apparently high due to the presence of 
large amounts of disposable I/O buffers, or the existence of pages 
written to the page file but not required due to the processes which 
own them sleeping.

The "usual" task switching mechanism is that, if a job gets CPU 
cycles, it gets access to memory too. The variant of this of which 
I'm aware was VAX VMS, where a process which couldn't get access to 
the CPU for an extended period (because other higher-priority 
processes were using all available cycles) and there was pressure on 
memory, the whole process would be swapped out (written to the 
page/swap file). When this happened, the process would not be 
eligible to get reloaded for some time - I seem to remember that 15 
secs was the default.

The problem with VMS was that, once swapping started, pressure on the 
I/O channels usually caused a more or less total loss of system 
performance. (It was not accidental that the VMS manual's primary 
reccomendation for _any_ system tuning problem was "add more 

One of the nicer things about the windoze implementation of mprime is 
the facility to manually stop & restart the program from the main 
menu. It gives up its main workspace whilst suspended in this way, 
though obviously retaining the relatively small resources belonging 
to its process header block, console window, task bar icon etc. 
Perhaps this could be exported to mprime by provision of a version to 
run as an X client? So long as I don't _have_ to run X in order to 
run mprime!!!

Brian Beesley
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