At 14:57 02/03/2001 -0600, Ken Kriesel wrote:


 >In the QA effort, we've seen a few instances already of errors caught
 >midway by doing a manual/email version of this.  Brian Beesley had an error
 >detected this way in his run of a double-check of a 10-megadigit exponent.
 >This exponent takes a PII-400 428 days (yes 14 months) to complete,
 >so detecting the one error and restarting early saves about 10.5 PII-400


After hanging around the Anandtech DC forum for awhile, I'm convinced that 
this completion time "problem" might be GIMPS biggest hurdle to getting 
more participation.  Very few "loonies" like us are willing to wait 14 
months for the calculation of one result.  Those folks at Anand's are 
interested in visible changes in daily statistics, something GIMPS doesn't 
provide when doing LL testing.

Kel U.

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