At 17:04 02/03/2001 -0500, Jeff Woods wrote:
 >At 04:48 PM 2/3/01 -0500, you wrote:
 >>After hanging around the Anandtech DC forum for awhile, I'm convinced that
 >>this completion time "problem" might be GIMPS biggest hurdle to getting
 >>more participation.  Very few "loonies" like us are willing to wait 14
 >>months for the calculation of one result.  Those folks at Anand's are
 >>interested in visible changes in daily statistics, something GIMPS doesn't
 >>provide when doing LL testing.
 >Then why is SETI@home so popular, when it shows little in the way of daily
 >statistics, either?

My understanding is that it is possible to have a significant change in 
daily statistics with  SETI@home.  A fast machine can complete a SETI work 
unit in 8 to 10 hours, I believe.

Additionally, I believe that SETI@home is "sexier" for the general public 
and has done a much more thorough job of selling itself via the general media.

BTW, I do participate in GIMPS (and have since around 1996 or so), so it's 
not as if I think it's a bad thing.  I just think it will be tough to 
attract significant membership numbers (say two hundred thousand users, 
just to throw out a number) when an exponent takes 14 months to complete.


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