
After being away for five days recently, I noticed that my computer
(running Linux kernel 2.4.1, by the way -- 2.4.2 now) had rebooted.
Just a few hours later, it rebooted again -- and that night, it rebooted

If I turn off mprime (v20), the problem goes away -- the computer
doesn't reboot, at least not the 36 hours I tested. After I start
mprime, it reboots in just a couple of minutes now.

mprime doesn't run as root, the machine has run mprime stably since I
got it (about a year) and the machine (an Athlon 800, running on an Abit
KA7-100 mainboard) is not overclocked. Does anybody know what's going on
here? Like I said, it's been going fine on the same exponent for quite a
while now, but suddenly, it just feels like rebooting (no error message
or anything, the screen just goes blank and suddenly it's in the BIOS).
The voltage meters in the BIOS screen look OK, and there should be more
than enough power for the PC...

Strange... Any ideas?

/* Steinar */
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