To The Base:
Some time ago I posted the following, which may still be
of use to those who have joined since:
I am assuming you are using W95/98/ME.

Apologies if this is redundant -- I never saw it go through to "base."

Regarding creeping slowdown of Prime95:

Here is a strategy:  first use a "process display" program like  Process
Viewer 2000 to look at the processes running along with Prime95.
CTRL-ALT-DEL will show some, but not all of them, and there
are some parasitic processes which seem not to show up at all. 
 PV2000 can be used to delete or change priority
of most concurrent tasks, tuning the machine in question to give Prime95
MaxHeadroom including "real time" priority, squeezing out all but vital system

I had to resort to the latter to get a Compaq Presario7998 to turn in
top performance, saving half a second per iteration.

PV2000 is free, and can be found with an avalanche of other utilities at:

about 35 programs from the page top.  I'd be very curious to know if this
solves the problem, and I can give you a list of the 8 processes I've found
that make up the essentials.

Other utilities such as MemTurbo (not free) can be used to automatically
scavenge memory when MemAvail drops below a preset limit, forcing
grabage collection.

Feel free to contact me about this,

Best Wishes,

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, October 09, 2000 6:32 PM
Subject: Mersenne: Slow iterations

I am running Windows98 on a Pentium computer.

Recently, Prime95 started running at 8 seconds per iteration.

When I killed process Alogserv, it went back to running at

.28 seconds per iteration.  What is this process, and how do I

get rid of it?  Thanks.


- Dave Weatherell.

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