On Sat, 12 May 2001 11:27:34 -0400, Jud McCranie wrote:

>At 10:22 AM 5/12/2001 -0400, George Woltman wrote:
>>Dietmar's guess was accurate.  Six weeks ago there were grumblings on the
>>list that we were making slow progress on double-checking milestones.  I
>>promised to make monthly checks of my database and the server's database
>>and make exponents available for triple-checking when necessary.
>Checking the status page, we seem to be stuck on 26 exponents between 
>6,325,000 and 6,972,593 - that haven't had one LL test.  

Doesn't that most likely mean that those exponents have been checked
out, and allowed to expire, multiple times?  

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