-----Original Message-----
From: Russel Brooks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 20 July 2001 23:42
Subject: Mersenne: 1000 barrier

>I've been with GIMPS for about two years and yesterday achieved
>a personal milestone; I finally broke thru the 1000 barrier and
>made it to 996 on the top producers list. Each step forward is
>getting smaller and smaller though; I think I'm approaching the
>knee of the curve and will eventually start going backwards.

I've been going backwards for so long I stopped looking.  :-)

>ID: rlbrooks
>866MHz P3 & 450MHz P2 (& 133MHz P1 doing factoring)

I recently built a new Duron 800 system (OCed to 943MHz) to replace my old
K5/133, so hopefully I'm going forward now.

My most recent personal milestone was to pass 1 P90 year on DCs - not much,
I know.  I was annoyed that I fell just a few percent short when I turned in
my previous result, and would have had to wait five months to turn in the
next if I hadn't upgraded.  The new machine runs fifteen to twenty times as
fast, so I should double that in a couple of months or so.

>Cheers... Russ

Daran G.

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