George Woltman wrote:

> I agree with Steinar's intriguing observation.   Intel's SMT looks
> like two CPUs to the operating system but the two CPUs share
> one core.

Oh no, they're not going to cobble something together like that are they? This looks 
like another forthcoming disaster where the chance to make a real technological leap 
is squandered in the name of "compatibility" with some OS that firstly didn't deserve 
such an effort, and secondly could have been patched anyway. I hope they leave a 
mechanism for proper OSs to take full control and assign the parallel threads 
themselves, otherwise this will be another PC architectural compromise that blights 
performance or otherwise adds timewasting complexity like say: register sharing for 
MMX and FPU, cascaded IRQs, FPU IRQ, polled gameport, the whole of real mode(!), shite 
DMA, that "pretend the boot CD is actually a floppy disk" crap, and many others.

The idea of SMT is to be able to feed all execution pipelines simultaneously, by 
allowing instructions to be drawn from several threads. So for example, when an 
application has nothing but integer instructions to execute, then floating-point 
instructions can be drawn from a process waiting to execute these and fed down the 
then idle floating point pipelines. For computational applications this is 
significantly different from having two processors.

Prime95/mprime should be saved by accident rather than design - It executes mostly 
floating point, so will not compete head-on with "ordinary" apps which are mostly or 
entirely integer.

The following article explained SMT (on the proposed Alpha EV8) for me:


======= Gareth Randall =======

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