For better or for worse (I think for better - it should attract a few 
searchers) the new Mersenne report has made it to the popular 
technical/open-source/geek news site Slashdot.

Sadly, there are "a few" errors in this article, at first glance.  I'm just 
posting quick comments in case any /. readers are checking this list.

"There is an unconfirmed claim for Mersenne prime #39 of over 3,500,000 
digits, for which a considerable amount of money has been awarded."
   (This prime has not received a large cash award, and any award for the 
finder is some time in the future, as can be seen on the prize distribution 
page <>)

-"Mersenne primes are used to tell ET about us."

(This links to an article which mentions using prime numbers to format 
"ascii art" types of messages, but never uses the term Mersenne prime, 
though a few of the smallest ones are mentioned, probably from coincidence.)

-I can't evaulate the second "message to space" link, because I don't 
understand the image.  There's no really obvious mention of a Mersenne 
exponent, though, at first glance.

-"The Primenet list has confirmed that while they still need to totally 
test it out (which should be done by the 24th), they believe that the 
number found today is the 39th positive."
(To my knowledge, only George has directly stated that he views the result 
to be correct.  While I don't question his word, even if he is correct, the 
odds are in favor - but not *grossly* in favor - of the new prime being the 
39th Mersenne - NOT the 39th prime, which is similiar to an error made in 
one of Cray's press releases IIRC)

I couldn't care less about the grammer issues in the original article, but 
I must say it looks hastily typed (see 

That said, I think this could get us a LOT of new searchers.  It's kind of 
unfortunate that it was announced prematurely, but it could seriously help 


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