At 09:27 PM 11/14/01 -0500, Nathan Russell wrote:
>For better or for worse (I think for better - it should attract a few 
>searchers) the new Mersenne report has made it to the popular 
>technical/open-source/geek news site Slashdot.


>I couldn't care less about the grammer issues in the original article,

Mumble, foo! about spelling and grammar.

>That said, I think this could get us a LOT of new searchers.

About a dozen have subscribed to this list since the /. posting.

I threw a few recent digests in
V01_0876.TXT  Volume 1, issue 0876        16 August 2001
V01_0904.TXT  Volume 1, issue 0904        12 November 2001


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