Peter Montgomery wrote:

> "John R Pierce" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> listed some sites in Monterey.

> So  far, however, only he and I have expressed interest in that location.

> Unless at least five mailing list members express interest in Monterey

> by December 1, we should go elsewhere.  Of course there is nothing to

> preclude multiple gathering.

While the potential tie-in with the West Coast Number
Theory conference is appealing, I think Monterey is a
bit out of the way for most folks in the Bay area, at
least if one would just be going there for dinner.
(As I'm not attending the WCNTC this year, that is the
case for me.)

Also, it seems preferable (though not necessary, by any
means) to have the gathering on or after 6 December, when
the official confirmation of M39 is expected. The last
time an SF bay area GIMPS gathering was held, it was at
the Tied House in Mountain View, one of Luke Welsh's
favorite watering holes. Seems as good a place as any,
but in any event the location is fairly central for most 
of the Bay area. I still haven't heard from Luke himself
yet, either - time to bug him again.

So, time for a quick poll: if you are interested in
attending a gathering of Bay area GIMPSers (or, better,
a Bay area gathering of GIMPSers), please let me know
BY PRIVATE E-MAIL what your general parameter preferences

- date or range of dates you could attend (say, from
  Friday, 30 November to Saturday, 15 December);

- whether you prefer a weekday evening gathering or a
  weekend (the latter means Friday or Saturday evening);

- preferred location (Mt. View Tied House, Monterey, or
  other - if 'other', make a suggestion);

- preferred time;

- your guess as to the exponent of the new (alleged)
  Mersenne Prime. (For those of us who don't know it yet-
  since I do, I'm ineligible for the raffle.) Winner gets
  a prize to be determined (suggestions, anyone?)

Also, if any of the above are absolute (e.g. you can *only* make it on a weekend, 
say), please let me know.


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