We have been experiencing a similar problem for about 2-3 months... It
has been talked about quite a bit in our forum...


Try looking around page 50 or so... I wish I could narrow it down some
more, but our search engine is kinda lame...

Our belief is that the error is on the server end... I can sometimes
duplicate the error by sending large amounts of traffic to PrimeNet... I
tested this by increasing the number of allowable exponents in the
prime.ini file to 999 exponents and I then set the CPU speed to 10000
and the days of work to 90... This allowed my client to pull hundreds of
factoring jobs off the server... What happens then is when the client
tries to send in the expected completion dates for all of those
exponents it sometimes crashes...

Personally, I have been very lucky in that I only experience the error
when I try to, but one of our team members gets it nearly every time...
We initally suspected that his client was corrupt or that maybe he had a
physical hardware problem, but since we were able to duplicate the error
then we decided that it must be a server issue...

Several members on the team have been in contact with George and Brad
about this... I don't know what the status is, but a simple fix is to
set the client update to 28 days and download a big enough exponent that
you won't have to connect very often... Basically, the solution is to
minimize communication with PrimeNet... :)

Also, backing up the Prime95 folder is encouraged before any major

Mike (Xyzzy)

----- Original Message -----
From: Steve Harris

Interesting... I have had that happen to me as well a few times with PCs
on a DSL (but without AOL). It doesn't happen on a regular basis but
does lock up the program (v21.3) for hours or days at a time. Just
caught one today that had been stuck like that for seven hours, even
'end task' couldn't stop it. I had to reboot the PC, then it connected
and reported in just fine immediately afterwards.

Irv, I know this is no help, except to let you know you aren't the only

Steve Harris

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