I wonder whether this is caused by Firewalling software or automatic virus 
detection software. Has this avenue been investigated? Some of this software 
might have the power to block network connections or basically suspend the 
program trying to make them until such time as

Wild guesses:
1. Is the server actually closing its connection to the client (and vice versa)? 
I seem to remember seeing an active connection listed in netstat even thought 
the communication had finished and I'd dropped the dial-up connection. If the 
firewall software was trying to do some sort of content verification or other 
checking, might it be waiting for the connection to close?

2. Is something trying to do a reverse DNS lookup on the server before it allows 
it and failing? Does the server have a reverse DNS entry? (I've just checked and 
it doesn't.)

3. The fact that the HTTP request asks for an ".exe" (/cgi-bin/pnHttp.exe) might 
cause some sort of virus checker to kick in and insist on interfering with the 

4. Is the server somehow being blocked? If there's some sort of URL/content 
checker interposed in the connection, is it classing the server as an "unknown" 
group (we assume we're not in the "sex and violence" category :-) and trying to 
filter it or something?

It seems to me that if the connection never closes, and there's virus/content 
checking in place, then there might be an explanation for a very long wait.

Perhaps I've been able to offer some clues.


Gareth Randall

Steve Harris wrote:

> Interesting... I have had that happen to me as well a few times with PCs 
> on a DSL (but without AOL). It doesn't happen on a regular basis but 
> does lock up the program (v21.3) for hours or days at a time. Just 
> caught one today that had been stuck like that for seven hours, even 
> 'end task' couldn't stop it. I had to reboot the PC, then it connected 
> and reported in just fine immediately afterwards.
> Irv, I know this is no help, except to let you know you aren't the only 
> one...
> Steve Harris
>     *-----Original Message-----*
>     <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>
>     *Date: *Friday, January 11, 2002 10:58 PM
>     *Subject: *Mersenne: Prime freezing when connecting by DSL to Primenet
>     I am running version 21.4 of Prime.  I recently started using a DSL
>     connection on AOL. ( I am using Version 7.0 of AOL).  Since I
>     started using this arrangement,  Prime locks up whenever it connects
>     with Primenet.  After some delay, during which time everything
>     stops, Primenet reports an ERROR 12031.  The only way that I can
>     successfully report to Primenet, is to connect to AOL using my modem.
>     This problem occurs when reporting results, getting new exponents
>     and reporting expected completion dates.
>     Any suggestions?  I can give more details if needed.
>     Irv Rosenfeld 

======= Gareth Randall =======

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