----- Original Message -----
From: "Gerry Snyder" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, January 14, 2002 5:37 AM
Subject: Mersenne: Optimizing P4 usage

>At home I have 2 PC's, both of which devote their spare cycles to GIMPS.
>One is a 1.3 GHz P4 running W98, and the other a dual 1 GHz P3 running
>linux. One of the P3's is doing LL testing, and the other is doing
>mostly ECM, with a little trial factoring thrown in.

If I'm not mistaken, you'd be better to have one of your dual processors
doing just TF.


> My question is whether it is worth the trouble to shift the trial and
> P-1 factoring of the next one to one of the P3 processors (the non-LL
> one). It might lead to one extra LL test in two years.

Definitely move the TF to your P3.   A P4 doing integer work is wasted.

> The worktodo file for the P4 has:
> Test=current,68,0

Why hasn't your current assignment had a P-1?  You should suspend testing to
do this.  My system with 459MB available memory would choose B1=375000,
B2=8156250 (5.17% chance of success) for a 33M first-time assignment (i.e a
successful P-1 saves two LL tests) and B1=180000, B2=2970000 (3.78%) for a
33M doublecheck assignment.  Your system - with a different amount of
available memory - might choose different limits, but whatever they are, you
should choose limits somewhere between them, closer to the first-time, or
doublecheck values according to how far through the first time check you

> Test=next,60,0
> It should be noted that the W95 machine does not have enough RAM for
> phase 2 of the P-1 factoring, but the linux machine does.

Do P-1 on whichever machine can give it the most memory, and always give it
as much as you can.  340MB or thereabouts is optimal for a 6-7M exponant.
GOK how much a 33M exponant would take.

> Any suggestions?

If you've got less than 512MB on your linux box, email the exponant(s) to
me, (after you've TFed it) and I'll P-1 it for you.  I can do a 6-7M P-1 in
about 3 hours, so I'd guess it'd take a couple of days.

> TIA,   Gerry

Daran G.

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