On Thu, 7 Feb 2002, Daran wrote:
> Better would be to store every name until a valid doublecheck proves the
> exponant composite.  The extra storage would be negligable.

I'd suggest that names not be stored for exponents that have been
unreserved, or where the name was last assigned that exponent more than a
year ago.  It would be relatively trivial to grab and release every
exponent in PrimeNet that is not currently assigned, thus getting
"dibs" on it.  It would also prevent people from using expirations
from getting around the first measure, such as by reserving a large
swath of exponents just below a major milestone and then waiting for
them to expire.  When the region just below M39 goes to double checks
this would be fairly trivial to do.  It might not hold someone back
who just cannot wait, but it should send a pretty clear message that
this kind of thing is unwelcome.

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