Okay, those are HUGE factors.

Have the predictions on the work eliminated by P-1 factoring been pretty
much confirmed by the # of large factors found?  In other words, is the
extra processing time paying off?

I'd hazard a guess that the time saving is indeed appreciable, but I
wonder if anyone has done some cold hard stats on it.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: George Woltman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2002 12:33 PM
> To: Aaron Blosser; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: Factoring top 10
> Hi,
> At 11:41 AM 2/12/2002 -0800, Aaron Blosser wrote:
> >PS - I'm just thrilled because I found a factor of an exponent that
> >my previous record... 101 bit factor.  I'm too lazy to look through
> >cleared exponents list, so does anyone know what the largest factor
> >that has been found by GIMPS lately?
> The top 10 - 39 digits for the biggest!
> 14334623        39      563796628294674772855559264041716715663
> 13187813        35      63113922700063643342764849026462401
> 10750127        34      4777866348588447235992766781311399
> 12932167        34      4314676575733979321708362055504719
> 10506347        34      2529967840093210987185485731119337
> 13459613        34      2004522251312746653413939484232703
> 14542817        34      1001733277749555116882783777187313
> 12348829        33      972299186932443166370257195895087
> 14378827        33      749393632720558083108841526201431
> 13111271        32      35439060242916356936579100907769

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