On 12 Feb 2002, at 12:41, Aaron Blosser wrote:
> Have the predictions on the work eliminated by P-1 factoring been pretty
> much confirmed by the # of large factors found?  In other words, is the
> extra processing time paying off?
> I'd hazard a guess that the time saving is indeed appreciable, but I
> wonder if anyone has done some cold hard stats on it.

Small sample, just my current account report:

15 factors found - 11 trial factoring, 4 P-1 on LL assignments, 0 P-1 
on DC assignments
49 LL assignments & 42 DC assignments completed - almost all of 
the LL assignments and about half of the DC assignments most of 
these have included the P-1 factoring phase.

So it looks as though running P-1 on DC assignments has been 
wasteful, but on the other hand one shouldn't expect to get many 
"successes" with a predicted factoring rate of around 2% and a 
sample size of only about 20.

Conversely, with a predicted factoring rate of around 5%, I've found 
almost twice as many factors as expected when running P-1 prior 
to LL assignments.

On balance, I'm beating the odds - the factors I've found by running 
P-1 prior to LL & DC assignments have saved about 3.5 times the 
amount of time I've put into running P-1.

Brian Beesley
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