My home office has among other things a Compaq RAID array of 5 36GB
drives and a few 18GB/9GB as well.  MAN OH MAN that thing gets loud!

If it weren't for all the other machines and the fan that blows straight
on all of them, those drives would drive me nuts.  As it is, everything
else combined managed to be even louder. :)

How well do the save files compress?  Probably not much, being
psuedo-random binary, but maybe a bit... in which case if you had an
NTFS partition you could make your Prime directory compressed, or
periodically zip up your old save files.  Just a thought.

Hey, I just tried and they do compress sort of okay... 71% of original
size just using default zip settings.  Using max compression doesn't
improve anymore than the default.  Curiously, using zip -1 (lowest
compression) results in the smallest file by a few ten thousand bytes...
due to smaller library I'm sure.

I doubt George would be interested in working in a little simple zip
routine when saving/reading save files?  It might slow it down too much
for some folks (although honestly, it takes a fraction of a second to
zip using the lowest compression level), but maybe a nice option for
those looking to save a bit of space when testing large exponents.
Especially if you save interim files or have 2 saved files... the space
savings would add up quickly.


> -----Original Message-----
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Steinar H. Gunderson
> Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2002 3:19 PM
> Subject: Mersenne: Re: Are problems more likely in the last 1% of a
> 10,gigadigit LL?
> On Thu, Feb 14, 2002 at 10:55:00PM +0000, Russel Brooks wrote:
> >My save files are @1.5M in size. I could save quite a few before
> >space was any concern (too me).
> Mine are @7M -- and I'm of those who prefer speed and sound level (two
> Ultra160 SCSI 10000rpm 18.2GB disks, in RAID-1, both very quiet) over
> diskspace -- people are buying _cheap_ 80-100GB disks without even
> blinking
> nowadays.
> /* Steinar */
> --
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