On Thursday 28 February 2002 02:54, Mary K. Conner wrote:
> At 09:48 PM 2/27/02 -0500, Marcel van de Vusse wrote:
> >I just rebooted my machine so my daughter could play a game in Windows.
> >Booted back to Linux afterwards, and now mprime keeps (wrongly) giving
> >me the above error.
> >
> >Does anybody know how mprime detects another copy already running, and
> >how to work around the above error. I double and triple checked. There
> >is NO copy of mprime running.
> Look in local.ini.  There is an entry in there for Pid, which is the
> process ID of the mprime that last ran.  What probably happened is that
> when you rebooted, another process was given the PID that mprime used to
> have, and when you try to start mprime, it sees a process running with that
> PID and refuses to run.  Remove the Pid entry from local.ini, and all
> should be well.

The test could be reinforced by checking the program name associated with the 
PID. If it _is_ mprime, then another copy using the same local.ini file 
really _is_ running. If it _isn't_ mprime, then the PID in the local.ini file 
is _wrong_ and can be ignored.

This is still somewhat less than 100% since there _could_ be an unrelated 
program called mprime running, or the user might be running mprime under a 
different program name. But it is sufficient to squash this particular 
problem, which might be fairly common on systems where mprime is started 
automatically in the system startup scripts.

Brian Beesley
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