At 05:17 PM 2/28/02 -0500, George Woltman wrote:
>mprime should only raise this error if the pid in the local.ini file and the
>current pid are both running mprime (actually comparing the inode values).
>If there are any Linux experts that can tell me where this test is going
>wrong, I'd appreciate any insights.
>This is the first reported failure in 2 years.

I mucked about with it a bit, and it does appear that if the process 
running under the pid in the local.ini file is not mprime, it will not 
raise the error.  Comparing inodes, if there is a hard link under two 
different names, it would raise the error.  I.e. someone does 'ln mprime 
ll', runs ll, then tries to run mprime, the inodes will match although 
there is no process named 'mprime' running (it is possible to force the 
process to be named mprime by overwriting argv[0], at least on some 
systems).  Someone might do the hard link if they are trying to save space 
on installations to run on multiple CPU's, I don't have a multiCPU machine, 
so I've never done such an installation.

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