...Almost want a "three strikes and you're out" :-)

Seriously, though, if this is a widespread problem then we should consider some 
sort of web-based form or automated e-mail confirmation system where the user 
basically says "Yes, I'm about to request a stack of exponents and I am serious 
- this is not a download script gone wrong."

I related idea is: first-time users could be allowed to reserve one or two 
exponents, then the more completed results they return the more allocation they 
get. Okay this doesn't directly address the problem of a rogue machine in a 
trusted team, unless you limited by machine too, but I thought I'd mention it as 
any redesign of the allocation system to address poaching could incorporate such 

I'm not being too sepcific because I know that if this has value then other 
people will draw the complete picture.

Henk Stokhorst wrote:
> Nope, it is the very same machine of the very same team that did this 
> twice before, again in the same characteristical amount of reservations 
> per hour. Not a single exponent will be returned. The only way to 
> contact that machine seems to be through the emailaddress in the client 
> if even that is known to the server.
> YotN,
> Henk Stokhorst

======= Gareth Randall =======

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