Hi all,

Glucas 2.9.0 has been released. You can download source tarball and 
precompiled binaries at sourceforge:


The precompiled binaries with multithread support are in 2.9.0-MP release, but 
source is the same that 2.9.0. 

The documentation has been completely rewriten. You can read html docs  


You can read in the release notes a large and detailed ChangeLog. Basically 
most important changes since latest public 2.8c release are:

1) Glucas has been partially recoded to get multihtreading capabilities using 
Posix threads, OpenMP and SunMP.

2) Introduced initial random shifts capabilities. Now Glucas can        
double-check exponents already checked with Glucas (with different      
intial random shifts) in the same manner Prime95 does. For first Lucas-Lehmer 
test, the random shift is 0. For a double-check task, there is non zero 
random shift.The command line options '-d' and '-D=n' has been added.

3) Better task management. The queue files now includes more information
about task to do, not only the exponent.

4) The range of exponents has been doubled. Now Glucas can work with         
exponents up to 156000000. It will take a lot to complete this range :)
Builtin seftests from 4608 to 8192 K FFT-runlength has been added        
(selftest 27 to 31)

5) Far improved configure script. Now it brings fully support for Intel
C++ compiler, and new gcc 3.1 . A lot of configure options has been added to 
tune the binaries with traditional './configure; make'

6) Improved documentation files. Now it includes texinfo files. It can be
transformed to 'dvi', 'pdf' or 'html' format easily. 'make install' will 
install info pages in your system

7) And some small bugs fixed and many small improvements...

Thanks to all people who has helped me in this release. Special thanks to  
release Klaus Kastens, Tom Cage and Thomas Perrier. 

Have a nice weekend.


Granada (Spain)

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