> Why even bother with that? Just use gigaflops or something that is not
> hardware dependent at all...

Ah, but which gigaflops?

Anyone else here old enough to remember Meaningless Indicators of Processor Speeds?

All gigaflops are not created equal, unfortunately.  Wordlength alone can make a big 

> Or use bogomips... :)

It's no worse than many suggestions, and better than some we've seen.

Personally I vote for the status quo.  It's a well understood arbitrary unit and there 
are enough P90's around to be able to re-calibrate new algorithms as they come along.  
If need be, I can un-overclock my P120 to convert it back into a P90 for benchmarking 
purposes.   I doubt very much that there aren't other P90 owners who could also 
provide a similar service.

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