If this is happening big time then the list is finished, and is basically an
announcement-only list.

I'm sure many people like the fact that mailing list messages come to them,
rather than them having to make time to go and browse a website and deduce the
updates from remembering when they last visited.

The correct way to do discussion lists has never really been mail or web, but
news (NNTP). This way everything stays under its own thread, and no-one has to
download the whole page of forum discussions to get the one extra message at the
bottom. An idea, but I suspect no-one would move.

Also, when the forum was first announced, it was never actually decided what
would happen with regard to "copyright" on the messages. The discussion trailed
off with some people saying that they wouldn't post to a forum which claimed
copyright, but no-one ever stated that the forum wouldn't do just that. Perhaps
there can be some belated clarification on this?

Also, what do we do about archiving material (simple for a list)? If the forum
goes down is that the end of all the postings?

Richard Woods wrote:

What should/can be done to ensure that those who can't/don't read the Forum are alerted to, and can contribute to, important topics discussd on the GIMPS Forum and are informed of important announcements/decisions posted on the Forum?

[Sent this earlier but it didn't get through... Sending again]

======= Gareth Randall =======

======= Gareth Randall =======

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