On Friday 07 February 2003 04:00, G W Reynolds wrote:
> I am using mprime 22.12 on a pentium 166 MMX to do trial factoring. For the
> exponents currently being assigned from primenet it takes this machine
> about 12 minutes to factor from 2^57 to 2^58.
> I thought I would try factoring some small exponents (under 1,000,000) from
> the nofactors.zip file. I put FactorOverride=64 into prime.ini and started
> mprime as usual but progress is _much_ slower, it will take about 8 hours
> to factor from 2^57 to 2^58.
> Can someone tell me why the time difference is so great?

Factors (if any) of 2^p-1 are all of the form 2kp+1, so there are less 
candidate factors to check in any particular range as the exponent increases.

FYI the exponents under 1 million have already had a lot of 
"extra-curricular" factoring work done on them - _all_ have had P-1 run to 
limits much higher than the "economic" values suggested by mprime/Prime95, 
many have already had extra trial factoring done, and some of the smaller 
ones have had substantial amounts of ECM work. I'd expect you to find _some_ 
factors by extending trial factoring even further, but not very many.

If you have a reasonable amount of memory on your system I'd reccomend 
running P-1 on selected exponents just above 1 million - use the pminus1 
database file to direct your work. Otherwise ECM on small exponents, or trial 
factoring on those exponents which have not been done "deep enough" - there 
are a considerable number of these in the 6M - 8M exponent range.

Brian Beesley

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