On Mon, Mar 10, 2003 at 09:05:41PM +0000, Brian J. Beesley wrote:

> On Monday 10 March 2003 07:49, Daran wrote:

> I just tried Test=8907359,64,0 on two systems - an Athlon XP 1700+ and a 
> P4-2533, both running mprime v23.2 with 384 MB memory configured (out of 512 
> MB total in the system). These were fresh installations, I did nothing apart 
> from adding SelfTest448Passed=1 to local.ini to save running the selftest.
> The Athlon system picked B1=105000, B2=1995000 whilst the P4 picked 
> B1=105000, B2=2126250. So it seems that P4 is picking a significantly but not 
> grossly higher B2 value.

My Duron 800 picks values identical to your Athlon with 384MB allowed.

No change at 400MB

At 420MB B2 goes up to 2021250, still lower than your B2 value.

At 504MB B2 remains at 2021250.

I don't think George's '1 or 2 extra temporaries' theory stands up.

> Regards
> Brian Beesley

Daran G.
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